The meaning of tears -, The shedding of tears is a sign of a broken heart. therefore, before te ars can flow from the eyes, they must first flow from the heart. it is meaningless to shed tears when the heart is not pained. the reason david was led by god to such deep and full experiences was that he shed tears..
What god says to your tears | desiring god, Believing that god will turn our tears into shouts of joy does not mean that we no longer grieve. but it does mean that we cling to him through the pain, and let every calamity crash us into his arms..
The spiritual power of tears -, But really, tears hold a special kind of
power to cleanse your mind, reconnect the head and heart and realign you with the power of your soul. and yet today, tears are commonly seen as a form of weakness, as being ‘childish’ or giving into negativity. here is a slightly different perspective on crying.. and also listed here are several images coming from different options
Plant Your Tears During Infertility
Crocodile Tears | Idioms Online
Idiomatic Expressions - Teach English Step By Step
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Case in point Shed your tears meaning

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